Comparative Analysis of Sugarcane Bagasse and Fly Ash as Adsorbents for the Treatment of Textile Effluents

Author : Bayuca, Ley-ann Rose Filarca
Major Adviser : Capunitan, Jewel A.
Committee Members : Borines, Myra G.; Movillon, Jovita L.; Herrera, Marvin U.
Year : 2020
Month : July
Type : Thesis
Degree: BS
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The discharge of untreated textile effluents containing surfactants, minerals, metals, and dyes to the bodies of water harms not only the aquatic ecosystem but also soil health. With the increasing amount of sugar factory by-products and wastes such as sugarcane bagasse and fly ash, the study aimed to investigate the potential of these materials as adsorbent for the treatment of textile effluents. Sugarcane bagasse that has undergone modifications to improve the adsorption capacity through various techniques such as activation, coating of polymeric biocomposites, and citrate modification was considered in this study. Other modifications done to the fly ash including sulfuric acid activation, hydrochloric acid treatment, and hydrothermal modification were also included in the analysis. Based on the latest studies, the sugarcane bagasse and fly ash were compared in terms of adsorption capacity, pollutant removal efficiency, and cost. Comparing the unmodified bagasse and fly ash, the latter has higher adsorption capacity of 0.618 mg/g to 410 mg/g. However, the modified bagasse exhibited the highest adsorption capacity among all the adsorbents reviewed with 12.06 mg/g to 1772 mg/g adsorption capacity. On the other hand, the fly ash is the most effective adsorbent with a percent removal of 51% to 99.95%. Moreover, it was found out that sugarcane bagasse could also reduce the hardness, alkalinity, turbidity, absorbance, sulfate, chloride, iron, BOD, and COD content of the textile effluents. In terms of raw material cost, the fly ash is slightly cheaper compared to the sugarcane bagasse. However, more studies are still needed for the cost analysis of the adsorbents to accurately compare their final cost since they are seldom reported in literature. Nonetheless, the utilization of sugarcane bagasse and fly ash as adsorbent in the treatment of textile effluents is considered effective although further studies are still needed to improve the surface area, adsorption capacity, and desorption and regeneration of the adsorbents. In depth studies are also needed to solve the remaining issue on how to treat the spent adsorbents contaminated with the pollutants removed from the textile effluents.

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