Emerging Strategies and Technology in Solid State Fermentation for Fungal Phytase Production

Author : Iturralde, Mariel Coleen Aclan
Major Adviser : Jerico Z. Alcantara
Committee Members : Gatdula, Kristel M.; Bataller, Butch G.
Year : 2020
Month : July
Type : Thesis
Degree: BS
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Fungal phytase production is valuable in increasing bio-availability of minerals and nutrients for monogastric animals, and in diminishing nutrient pollution. Numerous reports were analyzed to understand it and their effects on fungal growth and phytase activity, and to obtain useful strategies and technologies for the product and development. The realized trends and associations were used to identify challenges in a bioreactor and to specify those. It was found that to maximize phytase production, all SSF elements must favor fungal growth. The discussion included mixed culture fermentation, and nutrient treatment which enriched fungal growth nutrients; aeration, agitation and, sterilization which facilitated better oxygen diffusion; and genetic manipulation, and stabilizer addition which improved fungal environment adaptation, and growth rate. However, the heat generation brought by this growth complicates the process optimization and bioreactor design. Even though efforts were made in investigating the production of phytase both in laboratory and larger-scale bioreactors, a lot of endeavors are still needed to design mathematical models to ease the scale up process, and discover better methods to efficiently recover phytase in downstream processes, surpassing the limitations on the current SSF technology and subsequently, on industrial phytase.

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