Production of Methanol from Bagasse Pyrolysis

Author : Cueto, Evelyn C.
Major Adviser : Capareda, Sergio C.
Committee Members : Movillon, Jovita A.; Tapang, Edwin S.
Year : 1994
Month :October
Type : Thesis
Degree: BS
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A study was conducted to determine the methanol content of pyrolytic oil obtained from pyrolysis of a selected agricultural crop residue.

From proximate analysis performed, bagasse was selected as the raw material to be pyrolyzed due to its high volatile combustible matter content compared to rice hull and rice straw.

The length of the condenser to be used was calculated and determined to be 9.40 inches and fabricated with 80 % allowance to be used throughout the experimentation.

Results showed that an increasing temperature of pyrolysis gave a logarithmic decrease in yield of pyrolytic oil. The optimum temperature that gave higher yield of pyrolytic oil was 350 °C. It was found through analysis of variance (ANOVA) that temperature of pyrolysis (Pᵣ>F = 0.0084) greatly influence methanol content. The yield of methanol (% by weight) was obtained using a HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography). The methanol content of the pyrolytic oil abruptly increased at temperature of 350 °C to 650 °C while gradually increased at temperature of 650 °C to 850 °C. The optimum temperature where there was higher yield of methanol (% by weight) was 650 °C.

The model obtained predicting yield of methanol as a function of temperature was given by equation Y = -174.85 + X + log X + X⁰˙⁵ with a corresponding coefficient of determination equal to 0.9875 9107.

It is recommended that further study must be conducted by considering a sound experimental design enhancing concentration of methanol content in pyrolytic oil using catalytic pyrolysis.

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