Equilibrium Isotherms of Ion Exchange Resins Used in the Adsorption of Lysine

Author : Jimenez, Jose Ariel Raymundo
Major Adviser : Chay, Pham Binh
Committee Members : Movillon, Jovita A.; Acda, Reynaldo I.
Year : 1993
Month : April
Type : Thesis
Degree: BS
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This study was conducted to determine the optimum pH and temperature for the adsorption of L-lysine to three ion exchange resins. The ion exchange resins were Amberlite IR-120, Dowex 50W, and Zeolite ZCP-50. The optimum pH of the solution was pH 4 while the optimum temperature was 50 °C for all the resins used.

The determination of the equilibrium constants, Kₑ, and adsorptive capacities, Qo, was done using the Langmuir isotherm. Dowex 50W exhibited the highest exchange capabilities of Amberlite IR-120 is 2.3159301 mole/kg and that of Zeolite ZCP-50 is 1.9877838. The equilibrium coefficients, Kₑ, of the resins are 1.1455367 mole/m³,for Amberlite IR-120 and 2.6288489 mole/m³ for Zeolite ZCP-50.

The breakthrough  points were using a program on NBB basic. The program contained experimental conditions for variations for the Kₑ and Qo of and adsorption process. Based on the results, Dowex was the first to start the breakthrough at T = 2.4622E-02. This was followed by Amberlite at T= 2.7185E-02 and Zeolite is the last at T = 2.7831E-02. There are significant effects of the temperature and pH of the solution on the adsorption process based on the multiple correlation and regression analysis and polynomial equations ere made for the prediction of the adsorption process for the different resins. 

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